Vancouver 2010 – Comes to a Close and Changes the Way We Perceive Our Nation…

14 Gold Medals…

Working my butt off on the month of February at the Westin Bayshore Hotel as a lowly Parking Attendant. In VANOC terms, that hotel was designated as OFH, OF1 in the bottomless ocean of the alphabet soup that never gets depleted. (Hey, they even have a acronym for Richmond Olympic Oval, guess what it is?)

Hearing Canada keep the gold medal in Canadian soil while I was working near that venue…

All of what I expected during my 28-day stay at OF1/STA venues… Truly an once in a lifetime experience… Something that most really can’t get a chance to do.

Working in the Olympics did sure change the way I see Vancouver and Canada. No longer do I feel that the Olympics was a waste of taxpayers money, nor do I feel that this event was an unnecessary waste of money. It was an event that we were wishing for and got the chance to host it.

After knowing that Canada won 14 gold medals in our own soil, now I don’t feel that ashamed to be a Canadian when I visit my left-minded relatives living in China. Being Canadian means something and being a resident in the city where the Olympics was held in means a lot more to me after I’ve seen how we Canadians are resilient.

Just ask yourself… Being a citizen of that nation where the Olympics was held in and your nation achieved the level of success they anticipated, would you feel that way too?

My big ‘disapproval of action’ (or a ‘fuck you’, if you want to put it in different words) are given to people who tried to storm OF1 and destroyed Olympic Sponsor’s property. You didn’t spread your ‘political’ message, you just sent out the wrong message. The Canadian Olympic spirit still lives inside our hearts and is now stronger than ever. That also applies to whoever yelled ‘Fuck the Olympics’ at me when I was walking to Palmer Secondary School.

All of those gone in 28 days…

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